Coverage of branches
Luxembourg branches of banks having their registered office in another Member State of the European Union
The size and scope of the deposit guarantee offered to clients of Luxembourg branches of banks established in another Member State shall be determined by the legislation of the home country. However, the limit of the guarantee is at least EUR 100,000 or the equivalent in the currency of the home country. In case of failure of a foreign bank, the Fonds de garantie des dépôts Luxembourg (FGDL, Luxembourg Deposit Guarantee Fund), will take care of the communication and the repayment of depositors using funds received from the home country.
Luxembourg branches of banks with their headquarters in a third (non-EU) country
Most Luxembourg branches of third-country (non-EU) banks are members of the FGDL and their depositors enjoy the same deposit guarantee as customers of Luxembourg banks. Please consult the list of members of the FGDL to check whether your institution is a member of the FGDL.
EU branches of Luxembourg banks
Branches of Luxembourg banks established in a Member State of the European Union shall be regarded as an integral part of the Luxembourg bank. Their customers benefit from the same guarantee as those who have opened their account directly with the bank in Luxembourg, the difference being that the communication and the repayment procedure are managed by the competent guarantee system of the host country of the branch.